The Encyclopedia of cult leaders who didn't quite make A-D. Free on Amazon

The Encyclopedia of Cult Leaders Who Didn’t quite Make It A-D. Free

keith raniere encyclopedia of cult leaders who didn't quite make it

Unfortunately this creep did make it, but it didn’t end well. Check it out

Encyclopedia of Cult leaders…

They are a special breed, how do they raise to power ? What makes them special ? Maybe you are in the wrong place because these guys, despite despite their lofty pretentions didn’t quite make it. Sure they had there their chances but they screwed up.

Had a lot of fun writing this and now I am working on E-H with some fresh ideas. This ‘Encyclopedia of Cult leaders who didn’t quite make it’ is all about the wannabe’s and who just didn’t quite have what is takes. With the Uber Rockstar cult leaders they break the mold, it all looks seamless, easy. With the failing Fakirs all the flaws are exposed. Maybe they didn’t have enough charisma, maybe the calculations on the end of the world are a bit out and they didn’t know how to step up. This Encyclopedia really gets under the bonnet of all the reality bending and the failure to lift off reload when things go a bit wrong.


The Encyclopedia of cult leaders who didn't quite make A-D. Free on Amazon

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