
The spark watching itself.

Ibis reads

Introducing Ibis-Reads -everything Fringe Subscription free

We are introducing Ibis reads subscription free for a limited period. We have newly set up a book club attached to The Villages that concentrates on fringe topics and supporting material that we think thoughtful searchers may find interesting. The logo we chose is self evident. Ibis-Reads Logo Welcome to Your Gateway to Enlightenment! Discover

Introducing Ibis-Reads -everything Fringe Subscription free Read More »

Mindfulness Meditation. Lotus Flower for the Villages Meditation .

New Study suggests Mindfulness Meditation Improves Memory

A new study at the University of Washington suggests mindfulness meditation thickens the brain’s hippocampus and improves memory. Mindfulness This involves becoming more aware of your surroundings and mind. Some people live and die spending their entire lives identifying themselves with thought and have never found a way to stand back and just become aware

New Study suggests Mindfulness Meditation Improves Memory Read More »

Waitress Delivering silver tray with Aspects of Meditation

Posts Portal of The Villages – Aspects of Meditation

Meandering Through Aspects Of Meditation And Meditation Groups This page is a menu of the posts developed here in The Villages to reflect upon the dynamics of meditation groups and topics covering aspects of meditation. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Plant Meditation – Explore your connection with nature and your plant

Posts Portal of The Villages – Aspects of Meditation Read More »