
The kind of cults we discuss are related to meditation or spiritual practice like TM or Jehovas Witnesses. There can be other cults outside of this eg. MLM.

Waitress Delivering silver tray with Aspects of Meditation

Posts Portal of The Villages – Aspects of Meditation

Meandering Through Aspects Of Meditation And Meditation Groups This page is a menu of the posts developed here in The Villages to reflect upon the dynamics of meditation groups and topics covering aspects of meditation. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Plant Meditation – Explore your connection with nature and your plant

Posts Portal of The Villages – Aspects of Meditation Read More »

Are you in a cult ? Keith Reniere behind bars

Are You In A Cult ? – Sure You Are -Hate it, Love it, fall down a cliff, keep Smiling

Keith got a bit carried away ….check out this book (Click Safe) Are You in a Cult….. To be explicit, a layman’s version of Narcissism is vanity, for instance a body builder obsessed at his own reflection in the mirror. But for a cult the members can fall in love with an ideal or ambition

Are You In A Cult ? – Sure You Are -Hate it, Love it, fall down a cliff, keep Smiling Read More »