Home – The Villages Meditation Group – Unlock Your Hidden Ninja

‘A special transmission outside the scriptures.
No dependency on words and letters.
Pointing directly to the human mind.
Seeing into one’s nature and attaining’ Buddhahood.’

Hessle Foreshore. Background pic.

Hessle Foreshore

A favourite location for this meditation group. The River Humber with a couple of meditators in the mid-ground.
View of The River
Memorial Zen Garden. Hengate, Beverley. Villages Meditation Group

Memorial zen gardens, hengate beverley

'Location to follow'.  Potential exciting location for this meditation group. Background is a panoarama with a few people  on a leafy crag looking over at a distant mountain peak as dawn.

to follow

Why join a meditation Group, I’m doing fine on my own ?

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