The Chakras. Aspects of Meditation

Science does not believe in Chakras – Chakras and Science

Chakras and Science…..

The evidence for Chakras – Is Western Science living under a rock ?

With Chakras and Science today the mainstream view is that there exists little or no evidence to date for their existence. Chakras have been discussed for a very long time and were first found in the ancient Veda texts around 1500-500 b.c. They were thought to have been passed by word of mouth well before then. They are also familiar in Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism and Chinese acupuncture.

Ancient plate of the Chakras. 'The Buddha of Eternal Life' Chakras and science.
Late 18c Plate – Amitayus, the Buddha of Eternal Life

Going Deeper

Chakras are thought to be focal points or wheels of energy which exist on the border between material existence and whatever else is out there. There many different interpretations of this phenomena and it comes up in texts in different ways where there appears to be no contact. Check out ‘Sacred Chakras‘ by Victor Archuleta.

Science and Chakras

In Tibeten Buddhism there are six main chakras which run from the base of the spine to the top of the head in humans. Presumably they must also exist in other organisms, but little is discussed in this context.

Is Western Science missing something ?

With Chakras and scince there is not much scientific evidence either way you could either take the reductionist perspective which runs something like ‘if we can’t prove it then it doesn’t exist’ which guides Western viewpoints or take a more expansive stance and suggest that sceince may not have developed the right tools to be able to monitor it.

If someone experiences the chakras like they are real it rather changes the debate for that individual and goes deeper in a way that points towards the heart of our human condition.

Many scientists just do not want to think about fringe topics like the chakras and have not trained in philosophy and metaphysics. A particular and simplistic critque they have is stating that the chakras cannot exist as rotating wheels becuase there is nothing pushing them around. This is typical of their segmented thinking, seeing an individual as separate and discrete like an object in a high school physics project, and fail to understand a human’s integration with the universe.

The seven Chakras in Tibetan Buddhism

Chakras and Science. Simplified diagram of the seven Chakras in tibetan Buddhism.
Simplified diagram of the Chakras

It must be noted that the number of chakras in tibetan buddhism is disputed. These chakras are thought to be like wheels or votices existing, or co-existing within the human body apart from the top one which is half in and half out. They correspond to colours.

Solar Plexus ‘Manipura’ : Yellow. Centre of Gravity

Sacral ‘Swadhishana’ : Orange. Just below belly button

Base ‘Muladhara’ : Red. Base of Spine

Throat ‘Vishuddha’ : Green. Middle of Throat

Throat ‘Vishuddha’ : Blue. Centre of Throat

Third Eye ‘Ajna’ : Purple. Middle of Forehead

Crown ‘Sahasrara’ : Violet or White. Top of head and beyond

Getting into the fringes of this topic many new age practitioners like crystals that they believe align with the Chakras of the body. Check out a couple of the books available at our new wing Ibis Reads which currently uses Amazon because they are the most trusted. We put new books through the system daily. To extend your investigations in the the fringe there is ‘Sacred Chakras‘ by Victor Archuleta a try.


The subtext for the chakras is that they can be harnessed to enhance yourself or achieve ultimate liberation in the form of ‘Nirvana’. The techniques associated with ‘awakening the serpent force’ which rises up your spine to your crown are considered a hack and a powerful but dangerous path to enlightenment.

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